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Gabona - Shop Gabionen Und Natursteine An

Your measurement is not there? Design your own custom-made gabion!

Gabions made to measure

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Gabions and stone baskets for home and garden

Give your garden a unique ambience . Each stone basket is an extraordinary eye-catcher, a unique piece. With a stylishly designed outdoor area, you show taste and feel comfortable and secure. GABIONA offers you the perfect combination of functionality and modern design elements .

At we offer you a wide selection of stone gabions . With the perfectly coordinated wire constructions you can design fences, flower columns or garden furniture according to your personal taste. If you wish, we can also create your new gabions to your desired size .

We will create an individual offer for you

Special project?

Submit dimensions now and receive an offer

We offer a suitable, large selection of stones

With us you will find the complete solution for your garden construction project : In addition to the stone baskets, you can order the perfect natural stones to fill the gabions from us. We will suggest stones in the right size and appropriate quantity for your gabion . Which filling stone suits you best? Simply make your personal choice. Delivery is made by a forwarding agent in big bags on a pallet. The forwarding agent will of course contact you to coordinate the delivery with you.

More than 100,000+ satisfied customers


To our customer reviews

What sets us apart

short delivery time

We have more than 3,000 different sizes of our gabion mesh available in our warehouse. These are usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours and are handed over to the supplier as quickly as possible.

Quality made in Germany

Our products have been manufactured in Germany since 1954. We ship gabion elements and accessories to many European countries with GLS and DPD or a shipping company. By the way: Delivery is included for orders over €80.

Competent customer advice

If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you. Simply send a non-binding inquiry by phone, email or online chat. You will then receive the specific offer within about 24 hours.

Our cooperation partners


frequently asked Questions

Any further questions?

Our customer service is available every day from Monday to Friday .

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.mCustomer service via telephone
contact now

Application instructions, design ideas with gabions and much more


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Gabionen nach Maß – Individuelle Gestaltung für Garten und Landschaft

Gabbioni personalizzati - design individuale per giardini e paesaggi

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Winterpflanzen für den Garten und das Gabionen-Hochbeet: Farbenpracht in der kalten Jahreszeit

Piante invernali per l'orto e il letto rialzato in gabbioni: un tripudio di colori nella stagione fredda

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Steinkorbzäune: Individueller Sichtschutz für Ihren Garten

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Riempire i cestini di pietra con pietre naturali e distanziatori

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