Pflanzgabionen online kaufen: Nachhaltige und kreative Begrünungslösungen für den Garten

Buy plant gabions online: Sustainable and creative greening solutions for the garden

Introduction Plant gabions are the perfect combination of functionality, aesthetics and sustainability. These innovative stone baskets offer a wide range of options for customizing your garden and ...

AußenbereichOsterdeko für Haus und Garten: Kreative Ideen mit Gabionen

Easter decorations for home and garden: creative ideas with gabions

Easter is just around the corner, and with it the perfect opportunity to put your home and garden in a spring-like mood. Gabions offer countless opportunities to design your Easter decorations crea...


Waste garbage can boxes made from stone baskets: practical, stylish and versatile

Unsightly garbage cans in the front garden? Gabion garbage can boxes turn an eyesore into a real eye-catcher. Garbage can boxes made from stone baskets not only provide optimum privacy, but also bl...

AußenbereichGabionen mit unterschiedlichen Maschenweiten: Finden Sie die perfekte Gabione für Ihr Gartenprojekt

Gabions with different mesh sizes: Find the perfect gabion for your garden project

Get the right mask door for your gabion Maskstorleken is designed for good function and aesthetics in your gabion. In Gabiona we have created many different mask doors: 5 x 5 cm: Perfect for clea...


Raised bed soil for filling gabion and metal raised beds: So your plants thrive optimally

Optimal conditions for your plants with the Pro Natur raised bed filling system To grow your plants successfully in a raised bed, the right filling is crucial. The Pro Natur raised bed filling syst...

AußenbereichHochbeet aus Metall online kaufen: Flexibilität und Komfort für Ihren Garten

Buy metal raised beds online: Flexibility and comfort for your garden

Flexible 4-in-1 raised metal bed: practical and stylish for your garden Our 4-in-1 raised metal bed combines modern design with practical functionality. Thanks to galvanized sheet metal, it is robu...