Gabionen nach Maß – Individuelle Gestaltung für Garten und Landschaft

Made-to-measure gabions - individual design for gardens and landscapes

Made-to-measure gabions - individual design for gardens and landscapes Gabions are more than just wire mesh baskets - they offer a stylish, durable and versatile solution for garden design. Whether...

AußenbereichWinterpflanzen für den Garten und das Gabionen-Hochbeet: Farbenpracht in der kalten Jahreszeit

Winter plants for the garden and the gabion raised bed: a blaze of color in the cold season

Introduction: Colorful winter plants for the garden When winter arrives, the garden seems to fall into a deep sleep. Most plants retreat, trees lose their foliage and colorful accents disappear. Bu...


Buy gabions in different mesh sizes online - tips and useful information

Gabions are very popular in garden design and landscaping. They impress with their versatility, durability and aesthetic possibilities. In the Gabiona online store, you have the option of ordering ...

AußenbereichSteinkorbzäune: Individueller Sichtschutz für Ihren Garten

Stone wicker fences: individual privacy protection for your garden

The design of a garden is often a balance between aesthetics and functionality. An essential element of this is the privacy screen, which creates privacy and at the same time rounds off the overall...


Filling stone baskets with natural stones and spacers

Filling stone baskets with natural stones and spacers Gabions are a versatile and practical solution for garden design. They not only serve as decorative elements, but also as functional building b...

AußenbereichSteinkörbe sicher aufstellen: Zaunpfosten für Gabionen online kaufen

Set up stone baskets safely: Buy fence posts for gabions online

Set up stone baskets safely: Buy fence posts for gabions online Gabions are becoming increasingly popular in modern garden design. They combine aesthetic accents with functionality and stability. I...