Steinkörbe aufbauen: Material, Montage und Videoanleitung

Building stone baskets: Material, assembly and video instructions

Assembly instructions for spiral gabions The assembly of spiral gabions does not require any previous technical knowledge or special tools. The wire mesh is simply connected to the supplied spirals...

AußenbereichGabionen Sonderangebote: Steinkörbe und Natursteine günstig online kaufen

Gabions special offers: Buy stone baskets and natural stones cheaply online

Gabions special offers Gabions are the perfect combination of functionality, aesthetics and durability, making them ideal for creative garden design. In the Gabiona online store, you will discover ...

AußenbereichRunde Gabionen-Hochbeete online bestellen: Fit für die neue Gartensaison

Order round gabion raised beds online: Fit for the new gardening season

Introduction Round gabion raised beds are not only a practical, but also an aesthetically pleasing solution for every garden and patio enthusiast. With their unique design and versatile functionali...

AußenbereichPflanzgabionen online kaufen: Nachhaltige und kreative Begrünungslösungen für den Garten

Buy plant gabions online: Sustainable and creative greening solutions for the garden

Introduction Plant gabions are the perfect combination of functionality, aesthetics and sustainability. These innovative stone baskets offer a wide range of options for customizing your garden and ...

AußenbereichOsterdeko für Haus und Garten: Kreative Ideen mit Gabionen

Easter decorations for home and garden: creative ideas with gabions

Easter is just around the corner, and with it the perfect opportunity to put your home and garden in a spring-like mood. Gabions offer countless opportunities to design your Easter decorations crea...


Waste garbage can boxes made from stone baskets: practical, stylish and versatile

Unsightly garbage cans in the front garden? Gabion garbage can boxes turn an eyesore into a real eye-catcher. Garbage can boxes made from stone baskets not only provide optimum privacy, but also bl...